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How to Create an eCourse in 6 EASY Steps

How to Create an eCourse in 6 EASY Steps

Creating an online course doesn’t have to be complicated.

Yes, there are A LOT OF FACTORS to consider. But it’s nothing we can’t break down into simple and easy-to-digest steps.

Don’t worry, we’ll take our time to walk you through the ENTIRE PROCESS.

You’ll learn all the information you need to know about HOW TO CREATE AN ECOURSE. Get from finding the right topic to uploading your .mp4 file only in six easy steps.

Plus a few BONUS SECTIONS! We’ll also share tips on how to make your course engaging for people, how to choose where to upload your lessons and videos, how to market your ecourse, and more. Every part will be worth it (you’ll see). So let’s dive right in!

Table of Contents
Table of Contents

How to Make an Online Course

Step 1: Find the Right Topic or Subject

Step 1- Find the Right Topic or Subject

Whether it’s for an ecourse or not, the best subject matter will be something:

  • You KNOW about
  • You CARE about
  • USEFUL to your audience

The first one makes sense on its own, right? You should feel comfortable enough with your course topic that you feel you have plenty of information to share on the subject.

And you’ll only feel that way if you have at least a bit of passion about what you’re talking about.

A number of instructors don’t think it shows but it does. Plus, how engaging your e-course feels is connected to how much your audience feels you care.

And, of course, you should only create an ecourse that’s helpful to a lot of individuals. Can’t earn that money without plenty of satisfied customers.

You’re the Expert in Your Experience

You can’t just copy someone else’s work to create an ecourse. Even if that works, it won’t do so for long.

There are a lot of lessons out there but what sells? Here’s our tried and tested advice. Go for any of these four:

  • A PROBLEM you’ve solved for yourself or someone else
  • An OBSTACLE you’ve overcome
  • A SKILL you’ve mastered
  • A CAREER you’ve experienced long enough

Base it on your OWN EXPERTISE and even research. Bottom line is to make sure you bring something new to the discussion.

Brainstorm Your Topic

Brainstorm Your Topic

If you already have an audience in mind, you’re well on your way to finding your course idea. All you have to do now is decide what your target audience needs and how you can help them.

If you belong in an organization, ask what sort of topics you SPECIALIZE in.

Or even what sort of topics could help improve your brand’s REPUTATION as an expert in your field?

Build on what your business is already known for.

A pro tip? Ask your LOYAL CUSTOMERS for input. Find out what they want to learn about.

That’s basically the strategy of pre-sell courses. Creators ask around for feedback for a course idea then estimate how many students they can get.

Here are some inspiring questions you can ask yourself to get to that winning idea:

  • What PAIN POINTS can I help alleviate?
  • What problem can my course SOLVE for other people?
  • What’s something I have EXPERIENCE doing that other people would want to learn about?
  • What’s one thing that gets me EXCITED about teaching?
  • What do I KNOW HOW TO DO that I wish more people knew?

Not Too Broad

Try to niche your topic down. We get the temptation to want to appeal to as many people as possible. But the truth is, keeping an idea too broad will make it less appealing.

Ask yourself if you can think of a specific group of people that would find this course VALUABLE.

Narrow down your target audience and adapt your course idea to your niche. Then choose specific needs you’ll meet when you create a course.

Consult Experts and Stakeholders

Experts help make your e-course more VALUABLE to your students.

Say you’re creating a course on coding. Wouldn’t it make sense to consult professional coders and/or software engineers to help enhance your course idea?

They can guide you on what’s good to include or what’s not good to include. Experts on your course topic can give you:

  • Information
  • Context
  • Direction

But remember to set the right groundwork with them at the beginning. Set aside time to touch base with them even before the actual meeting. Make it clear what you expect from each other.

Ideally, you’d involve them in the course creation process from creating your idea to completing your e-course. Your subject matter experts can check in periodically to provide feedback on the course as it is created.

Oh, and of course, take STAKEHOLDERS into account when creating your e-course. Encourage free and open communication regarding the purpose, orientation, and intended results of your course idea.

Also, Try Google Trends

Go to the Google Trends website. Type in the main keywords of your course idea and see how popular they are.

It’s a simple trick to see if there’s a DEMAND for your course.

Step 2: Choose a Good Learning Model

Step 2- Choose a Good Learning Model

Define the Coursework Objectives

Think of learning objectives as bite-sized pieces of your course meal. They’re specific aims that ultimately build up to the goal of your course.

They basically tell you the point of all this information you’re sharing with each lesson.

How Would Defining Learning Outcomes Help You as an Instructor?

Learning outcomes give:

  • YOU a clear focus in designing course materials
  • Your STUDENTS a clear understanding of what to expect from the course
  • A clear BENCHMARK

What does that last one mean?

Simply put, you can use learning outcomes to find out if your course is effective. If you achieve them, then your lessons did their job. They’re also concrete bases for saying whether students passed or failed.

Objectives Are Not Goals

We should establish that learning objectives are not the same as course goals.

A course goal is an overall goal for the ENTIRE COURSE. Learning objectives are individual goals under the umbrella of your overall goal.

Is the word goal losing its meaning? Let’s use an example to fix that.

Say your course is “Algebra 101.” The course goal could be for your students to become fluent in solving algebraic equations.

Now, your learning objectives will become…

  • To solve a linear equation in one variable
  • To solve a quadratic equation in one variable
  • To solve a simple system consisting of a linear equation and a quadratic equation in two variables, and so on.

Each course objective will be a separate lesson. They will be steps your students will need to take to attain your overall goal of fluency.

Ever Heard of Bloom’s Taxonomy?

Ever Heard of Bloom_s Taxonomy

Bloom’s Taxonomy of educational objectives explains the process of learning.

What’s the first thing people do when they’re learning about anything? They remember simple facts, right?

Then they gain a deeper understanding. Until eventually they’re able to explain relevant ideas in their own words.

After that, they’ll be able to apply what it is they’re learning in real-life scenarios and so on.

Find out where you are on the pyramid and create your learning outcomes accordingly.

Decide on the Content

So you’ve narrowed down what you want to achieve. Now, you’ll tackle the types of content you’ll include in your course. 

Creative and Interactive Is the Way to Go

The classic professor-type lecture is a thing of the past. Adult elearners won’t stand for just absorbing everything you’re saying.

What they expect nowadays are creative and interactive ways to engage with what they’re learning. The course sticks better that way.

Consider these two types:

  • Discussion Forums
  • Self-Explanations

Discussion Forums

Even you probably rolled your eyes when you read the heading. But that’s because too many course instructors don’t use this tool the way it should be used.

It’s not enough to just command your students to “participate in the discussion.” What does that even mean right?

Chances are, all that will give you are half-hearted comments and very little productive conversation.

Here’s the trick. SET PROMPTS and ask questions that will SPARK DEBATE.

Make your students think. 

Put out a controversial statement. Stir things up with a unique take. Even shock them with a “taboo.” (Just don’t go overboard with it).

The point is, a discussion forum is an untapped online course learning model. It’s a well of opportunities like:

  • Engage with the material socially
  • Explain concepts to fellow students
  • Debate viewpoints or interpretations of the subject matter

Try to do things right this time and see how that changes things.


They say the best way to learn is to teach.

Students who can put the material into their own words are much more likely to internalize and remember the content.

It doesn’t even have to be the good ‘ol stand-in-front-and-report-to-your-classmates type of thing.

Here are just as effective options:

  • Make video presentations 
  • Explaining a concept
  • Taking a side in a debate

Be proactive and guide them along the way. Emphasize the good points they make. Ask for feedback and check in once in a while to make sure the students are getting something with this course model.

Step 3: Outline Your Online Course

Step 3- Outline Your Online Course

Now, you’re ready to plan your online course based on your chosen objectives and content types. Most elearning courses are structured like this:

  • Introductory video
  • Modules (5-10 per course)
  • Smaller lessons within modules (2-5 lessons per module)
  • Bonus content, if any
  • Conclusion and calls to action (e.g., practicing what they’ve learned, signing up for another course)

Anchored on Your Students’ Level of Understanding

Ultimately, the organization and content of your course should be anchored on the level of understanding of your audience.

For example, creative introductory courses usually follow a step-by-step format.

Say you’re building an online course about crocheting. It’s intuitive you’d go for a step-by-step format, no?

You want each module to build on what students learned from the steps that came before. Then, you’ll keep doing so until your students successfully make their first crocheted beanie.

But there’s also a course that works better with a week-by-week design or just as a plain reference. Here’s a quick comparison of these three:

  • STEP-BY-STEP: logical, progressive; each lesson builds on the previous one; works well for absolute beginners or entry-level students
  • WEEK-BY-WEEK: work with a specific timeframe; lessons are in time blocks; works well for teaching skills
  • REFERENCE: no linear progression, used as needed

Breaking It Down Is Key

The main point of outlining your course idea is to break it down into steps that will be easy for students to follow.

People chop down an IDEA into MODULES and then into more DETAILED LESSONS.

And it wouldn’t do to just have this all in your head. Our advice? Make it physical (or even virtual at least). The outline should be something you can go back to.

Some Helpful Tools

You don’t have to be uber techy to create an ecourse. A newbie instructor can do well enough organizing their course content using the good ‘ol pen and paper.

Some also find spreadsheets good for tracking and seeing everything all on one page.

Then again, there are tried and proven PROJECT MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE for those willing to learn. Popular choices include:

  • Notion
  • Trello
  • Asana
  • Basecamp

Do Keep Track

Regardless which one you end up choosing to draft your course overview, this is the important thing.

You should be able to TRACK YOUR PROGRESS even when you’re just starting.

For example, you can color code which lessons you’ve already recorded and which ones you’re still brainstorming. Future you will be so thankful.

Step 4: Pick a Method for Content Delivery

Step 4- Pick a Method for Content Delivery

There are three main delivery media for your ecourse lessons:

  • Video
  • Audio
  • Written/textual content

Easy enough, right?

But let’s still go over the good and the bad of each to help you choose the right one for your e-course.

And don’t worry, we’re halfway through the course creation process!


Video streaming is perhaps the most realistic approach your students can get to live teaching.

Your PRESENCE and PERSONALITY automatically shine through making it easier for your students to connect and engage with you.

For one, your facial expressions and overall behavior can give them a sense of how much you care and how much you know about your topic.

Ideal For Visual Learning

This medium is best for courses that rely on VISUAL ELEMENTS a lot.

That’s not to say you always have to be on-screen for every lesson. Instructors can experiment balancing their on-screen and off-screen time.

Introverts would probably be intimidated showing so much of themselves.

For that, there’s the VOICEOVER option. You can maximize visual learning while avoiding doing something you’re uncomfortable with.

Live vs Pre-Recorded

BROADCASTING LIVE comes with more technical challenges.

But if you enjoy the thrill of not being able to edit out bad takes in exchange for being able to interact in real-time with your students, it may be worth it.

PRE-RECORDING avoids the issue of technical mishaps by design.

That’s because you can correct and edit them out before uploading the .mp4 file. It also becomes more convenient for your students to read and access your material. They can log in anytime they’re ready to dive into your lesson.

But why not go for both?

Some instructors broadcast live to get real-time feedback from students. At the same time, they record everything that’s going on. So later on, they can edit any mistakes or dead air before they upload.

The Bad

One downside of choosing video as the method for content delivery is how DEMANDING it can be to produce. We mean that both in terms of time and effort you need to put in.

You’ll need to:

  • Prepare a script
  • Work on your delivery (e.g., be conscious of voice volume, speech fillers, facial mannerisms)
  • Learn interspersing the video feed of you speaking with the video feed of your slides

That last one has a quick workaround though. For example, some instructors compromise by showing themselves on a corner of the screen while their slides take up the majority of the screen.

And one other technical challenge is the need for quality equipment to record yourself so you’ll look professional and polished.


If your lessons work well enough with minimal visual aids, you can opt for a PODCAST-STYLE SERIES of audio files.

Your personality still comes through but with way LESS TECHNICAL CHALLENGE.

You only need a high-quality microphone and a quiet room then you’re good to go.

And just like with video content, you get the flexibility to choose between doing it live or pre-recording your sessions.


If neither video nor audio is feasible for you, all hope is not lost.

You can still make e-course lessons via text. Instructors go for either of two methods:

  • Create an EMAIL SERIES to be sent periodically. (Scheduled emails are a godsend, don’t you agree?)
  • UPLOAD PDF FILES of your slide presentations on scheduled dates.

Admittedly, this is the most impersonal option and comes with the biggest hurdle in terms of engagement. You can only inject so much of your personality into your writing.

Mixed Media

Again, you don’t have to stick to one medium or approach.

If you have the time and patience, you can always present your lessons using various media.

That VARIETY is sure to get your students’ ATTENTION. You can keep them on their toes, wondering what you have in store for them next.

We’ve got two quick tips on how to create an ecourse this way.

#1 It Can’t Be Random

If you’re going to pull this off, you’ll need a good sense of what medium is APPROPRIATE for each lesson.

Say your e-course is on graphic design, then it’s going to be challenging (if not impossible) to use a podcast-style lesson, right?

Podcasts about graphic design might only work with an interview with an expert.

#2 Let Your Students Know Ahead of Time

Aside from appropriateness, you also have to consider constantly being on the same page with your students.

You need to take the time to ANNOUNCE what format your students should expect per lesson.

Posts where you clarify how and where they can access the correct pre-recorded files for each of your lessons are a must.

Step 5: Create Presentation Slides and Record a Video

Step 5- Create Presentation Slides and Record a Video

So you’ve got a topic, a good learning model, an outline, and you’ve chosen the medium (or media) you’re comfortable with. Now you get to MAKE THE CONTENT.

Some Helpful Tools

Let’s start right away with the tools you can use.

  • For creating PRESENTATION SLIDES: PowerPoint, Google Slides, Keynote, Canva
  • For downloading FREE STOCK PHOTOS, VIDEOS, & AUDIO: Pexels, Pixabay, Envato, Storyblocks
  • For RECORDING your screen: Screencast-o-matic, Loom, Vimeo, Soapbox.wistia.com, Camtasia
  • For VIDEO EDITING: Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere, DaVinci Resolve (and again, Camtasia)
Getting a Camera? Choose One That Flips

Some course content creators are more comfortable using a DSLR, smartphone, or even a webcam to record videos.

If you go for the first one, better get a camera with a flip screen. That way, you can SET UP everything BY YOURSELF.

Plus, you’d also save time going back and forth checking and adjusting how well you fit in the frame.

Find a Quiet Room and Just Hit Record

After creating your presentation slides on Canva or what have you, you can start recording one lesson at a time.

Try to speak naturally and keep your lessons short.

They say a good rule of thumb is to keep each of them UNDER 5 MINUTES. Got to accommodate everyone’s short attention span.

Don’t worry, you can do a lot with those precious minutes. Preparation is key!

Having said that, you don’t have to aim for a PERFECT RECORDING each time. Some students actually find small mistakes and laughing moments more relatable.

Mistakes are a part of life and that’s perfectly okay. What’s important is you keep going.

Step 6: Download the Video as .mp4 File and Upload

Step 6- Download the Video as .mp4 File and Upload

The last step is to download each lesson you recorded from your screencasting tool. Make sure you save the videos on your computer as a .mp4 file.

After that, you can just upload each file to your online course platform. Of course, don’t forget to LABEL them according to module and lesson.

And just like that, you’ve learned how to create an ecourse in 6 easy steps. They weren’t so complicated, were they?

The technical stuff of the ecourse business isn’t that complicated when you break them down.

Feel like you still need to learn more? Lucky you! We still have more in store for you. Read on to learn about our tips to make the most out of your lessons.

We also have sections on choosing the BEST WEBSITE/PLATFORM for your lessons. Plus, HOW TO MARKET your course starting with creating a landing page.

How to Make It Engaging and Interactive for the Student?

How to Make It Engaging and Interactive for the Student-

So your ecourse content is excellent and all but you can’t keep people hooked.

Don’t let all that information go to waste.

Too many course creators UNDERESTIMATE this part of the design when they create an ecourse. And that’s a tragedy.

So, let’s go through some useful tips to help you keep your students HOOKED.

Friendly Tip #1: Let Them Know You’re Human Too

Right off the bat, introduce yourself.

Let your students know there’s a person behind that name and profile picture at the very start of your ecourse. You can even set a protected time to do that.

And with every post you make, make sure to let them feel how open and approachable you are. Put multiple avenues for them to contact you (email, contact number, etc.).

But of course, don’t forget to set boundaries, too, e.g., no talking shop on the weekends (unless that’s what you planned from the start). 

Friendly Tip #2: Organized and Skimmable Course Content

It’s a hard pill to swallow but here’s the truth. People engaging with online content are SCANNING, KEYWORD SPOTTING, and READING NON-LINEARLY.

You can help your students stay focused simply by making it easy to navigate your course. Use clear headings and subheadings. (Use this article you’re reading right now for example.)

You’re not going for a novel or a research paper or book report.

Break up large chunks of text into smaller paragraphs.

Bold, underline, italicize, color.

Friendly Tip #3: Give Useful Feedback

As much as you should be regularly posting ecourse updates, so should you provide useful feedback on any output you ask from your students. Don’t make them feel as if this were a one-way relationship!

See to it that you give them actionable comments on any assignments or presentations to make the learning objectives clear.

Even better if they’re PERSONALIZED so that they know exactly what you’re expecting from them.

Friendly Tip #4: Turn Your Classroom Into a Community

Encourage open communication around your ecourse among students. You can start with a FORUM PAGE right on your learning management system (LMS). (More on LMS later.)

Don’t forget about social media!

Since almost everyone is on Facebook these days, try creating a unique FACEBOOK GROUP for your attendees. They can even keep this up even after your ecourse ends if it becomes that active and interesting.

If your students feel so involved in a community, they’ll be able to sustain that motivation and energy to learn more about your course topic.

Friendly Tip #5: Give Your Students a Voice, Ask For Feedback

Hitting that publish button is not the end.

You also have to prove your ecourse is EFFECTIVE and how you can IMPROVE future lessons.

Asking for feedback on your lessons will help you learn about your weak points. But you can also gain a bit of positive reinforcement for something you already do well.

How can you do that? How about a FOCUS GROUP DISCUSSION. Select around 5 people who have completed your course, and interview them.

Another option is to send out a PREFORMATTED SURVEY. Encourage all participants to complete this survey. To help you get started, here are some questions you can put in your questionnaire:

  • Why did you choose to take this ecourse?
  • What did you enjoy the most about this ecourse?
  • What is something you wish was included in this ecourse but wasn’t? 
  • What is something you’d change about this ecourse?
  • Are there things in this ecourse that confused you? Which one(s)?
  • How confident are you in your ability to apply what you’ve learned in this ecourse?
  • Would you recommend this ecourse? Why or why not?

Of course, feel free to modify them as you like.

Where Can You Upload Your eCourse?

Where Can You Upload Your eCourse-

Quality Course Content on a Quality Platform

The quality of the website that hosts your e-course is just as important as the quality of your e-course itself. 

We’ve all experienced glitches and bugs. Remember how easily frustrated they make you feel?

Here are four qualities to look for when CHOOSING a learning management system (LMS):

  • Easy to use
  • Accessible on multiple kinds of devices
  • Well-priced
  • With excellent customer support

Just to give you an idea of what’s out there, these are some of the most popular course platforms: Thinkific, LearnWorlds, and Teachable.

A Platform That Fits Your Budget and Technical Skill Level

Choose the hosting method and course platform you can afford and actually use (or learn how to use).

What Makes Online Courses Better than Physical Classes?

What Makes Online Courses Better than Physical Classes-

Online classes have continuously grown in popularity in recent years. Did you know that the industry is even expected to triple in not even 5 years?

Let’s see why YOU should put up your lessons on a website and not anywhere else.

What Are the Benefits of Making an eCourse?

Perk #1: Accessibility

Pretty much the strongest pull of e-courses boils down to accessibility.

Even more so in our current situation. Why go out when you can learn the lessons perfectly well in the comfort (and safety) of your own home, right?

Plus, students get to SAVE on rent, travel, etc.

E-courses are hands down more AFFORDABLE than college courses.

Students also benefit from a LOW ENTRY BARRIER as well as extremely diverse topics (more on that later). Indeed, all are welcome.

Perk #2: Variety and Flexibility

Online learning can take many, many forms. We already discussed this in detail way back in Step 4.

Instructors and students alike can choose from:

  • Live sessions and webinars
  • Pre-recorded lectures
  • Bundles of video, text, and other forms of media
  • Student groups and online communities
  • Assignments and projects

All of this can be used from academic knowledge to hands-on skills.

And if you create an ecourse that’s SELF-PACED, your students can go through the course materials at a time and speed that works for their schedule and learning style.

A great strategy to avoid the all-too-familiar burnout.

Perk #3: Profitability

This is the main reason businesses across all industries create and sell courses. Lots of companies choose to invest and take advantage of the ecourse format to:

  • Educate their audience,
  • Train employees, or
  • Simply get more brand recognition as experts

While we’re talking about profitability, let’s go over basic marketing principles you should know about. We’ll even throw in a couple of simple but effective marketing strategies.

Last But Not the Least, Marketing

Last But Not the Least, Marketing

We can’t end without talking about the business side of things.

Just as with any new product, you have to know how to market to the right audience. A good marketing strategy clarifies the following:

  • How your ecourse alleviates specific PAIN POINTS
  • Your brand’s UNIQUE selling proposition
  • Communication channels you’ll use to connect with your audience

And don’t forget about these two: incorporating POPULAR KEYWORDS into your title and launching ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS in social media.

Think About Your Audience

Let’s be more concrete and anchor this part of the creation process to actual questions:

  • What type of person can benefit from this course?
  • Where does that type of person spend most of their time online?
  • What problem does this course solve for them?
  • Why would a person hesitate purchasing this course?

All the information you’ll get from these questions will help you POSITION YOUR COURSE.

Let’s face it, you can’t sell your product to everyone. So you better find out which specific group of people you’re going to entice.

Plus, some of the information can even help you think of places WHERE YOU CAN PROMOTE your business.

Name Your Price

Now, we have to talk about money (as hard as that may be). A few questions can also come in handy for this part. Try to through all of them:

  • What’s their financial situation?
  • How much money feels like too much money for them?
  • How valuable is this course content to them?
  • Will the skill you’re teaching actually help them make money in the future?
  • What other courses/products will they be comparing your price to?

Price High to Sell Less?

It’s tempting to PRICE HIGH so you’ll only need to SELL LESS of your product to hit your goal.

Imagine two friends who need 30 dollars fast. Person A’s strategy is to sell cookies at $1 each.

Meanwhile, Person B offers to write papers for $10 each. That’s 30 hungry kids vs 5 desperate classmates. Wonder who’ll get there first?

So it does make sense. But, there’s always a place for BUDGET-FRIENDLY products. If you create an ecourse at a low price point for the right people, you can still make real money.

You Can Always Add More Stuff to Ask for More

Who’s to say you can’t add content to your courses and raise the price at some point in the future?

That’s 100% better than DROPPING the price just before launch to get more sales. (Your early customers would HATE that!)

So start with your lowest, best possible price and go from there.

Now, we’ve nailed down the basics. You’re ready for the 3 phases of marketing.

We know this part’s getting kinda long but these are some of our best tips yet. We just want to make sure you know all there is to know about how to create an ecourse THAT ACTUALLY SELLS. Let’s get to them!

Phase 1: Pre-Launch

Phase 1- Pre-Launch

Ideally, your pre-launch marketing starts as early as 3 MONTHS BEFORE your target launch date.

This way, you get enough of a window to let your audience decide whether your ecourse is right for them. But it’s also not so far away from your launch date that they forget about it.

Introduce, Build Trust, Get Them Hooked

Phase 1 is all about introducing yourself and your ecourse (maybe even your blog, if you have one). You want to get potential students to trust you and anticipate the launch of your ecourse.

How can you do that?

CREATE BUZZ with your existing audience and mailing list (again, if you already have one). Encourage them to help you spread the word on social media.

Don’t have an existing audience? You can always tap on your friends and family to help share the link to your sales page.

Oh, and if you’re already a blogger, you can opt for BLOGGER OUTREACH. Basically, you promote your ecourse by creating guest posts on other blogs in your niche.

Phase 2: Launch

Phase 2- Launch

Day Before Launch Day

We’ll get straight to the point. Here are three pro tips:

  • Test your PAYMENT METHODS. See for yourself if students can check out courses. Have a backup plan for as many scenarios as you can think of.
  • Send REMINDER EMAILS to your email list and post STATUS UPDATES on social media. (Who doesn’t get intrigued by countdown posts?)
  • RELAX.

You’re in the final stretch. You’ve put in all the work but don’t forget to breathe. Whatever happens,  you have to be ready for the next steps.

Launch Day


Your sales page, that is. So go crazy and let EVERYONE know. Cover all your bases.

  • Email list
  • Fellow bloggers
  • Social media
  • Your blog

Week after Launch Day

You can tone down the self-promotion at this point.

But still, be on the lookout and be ready for any ISSUES your students may encounter on the website.

Prepare useful information on what they should do if their promo code doesn’t work. Or if their payment method fails entirely.

You can even compile the most commonly asked questions into a FAQs section and post this on your sales page or your blog.

Note their first impressions by sending a short feedback form to everyone who successfully enrolled.

Phase 3: Post-Launch

Phase 3- Post-Launch

What you’re doing weeks (and months) after launch day, depends on your course design.

But aside from course-related activities, you should be:

  • Adding value to your course
  • Nurturing the community
  • Attracting new students

And don’t ghost your social media!


Elearning is here to stay. Yes, creating an ecourse is a good way to bring in money (if you do it right). But it’s also the best way to bring out your lesson to the world.

Let’s summarize all the information we gave you, starting with the 6 easy steps of the course creation process:

  • Find the Right Topic or Subject
  • Choose A Good Learning Model
  • Outline Your Online Course
  • Pick A Method for Content Delivery
  • Create Presentation Slides and Record A Video
  • Download The Video as .mp4 File and Upload

Use our five friendly tips to make it engaging and interactive for your students.

Choose a website for your videos and lessons that’s as good as your ecourse. Last but not the least, market your product. Be mindful of your time and don’t skip any of the 3 phases.

And lastly, just get started!

About the author


Jack has worked on the video production, audio mastery, and physical coursework for over one-hundred popular online courses to date. He’s here to share his experiences with you, as well as show you what tools are worth your time, how to spot those that aren’t worth a penny, and above all else, how to keep yourself informed about how to navigate online course creation efficiently and effectively.